My blog has been in need of a redesign for some time now, and I am really excited about this template by Andreas Viklund from Gecko and Fly. I have several new links in the navigation bar at the top of my blog. Many people know what Flickr and are, but for those who don’t I’ll briefly explain:

  • Flickr is a photo sharing website where I keep all of my photos. It is a really great site with a huge community of users. You will be redirected to my bass photos when you click the “MY FLICKR PHOTOS” link. From there you can navigate to all of my other photos as well as any other posted on Flickr.
  • is a social bookmarking site where I keep all of the links that I find interesting. For my old page (which I will continue to update) of bass and Chicago music links, click the “MY MUSIC LINKS” link. For all of my bookmarks click the “MY DEL.ICIO.US LINKS” link.

Many things aren’t functional on my site right now and all of my add-ons are currently out of commission, but many of these (and some really useful new features) will be back soon.

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