I may regret starting this mammoth project, but I am going to try to provide a listing of double bass pages on MySpace. I have always had a hard time figuring out how to link to these pages. Are they blogs? Sometimes, but usually not.

I like it whenever I find a double bassist’s page on there–it’s great to be able to check out people’s recordings, read about what they’re up to, and network. I just am driven crazy by the MySpace interface, and as a result I always quit trying to find bassists.

I already have a pretty lengthy list of double bass MySpace pages in my del.icio.us links, and I am going to put together a link list of all of these. If you’d like your page included, please leave a comment or e-mail me your MySpace URL.

If you want to check out my ultra lame MySpace page, you can find it at:


My page is lame on so many levels–I don’t even know where to begin. The very fact that my MySpace name is “jasonheathbasspage” should tell you something.

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