I’d like to thank all of the bassists who have either sent me their MySpace URL or else become my friend on MySpace. I am in the process of going through and finding friends of my new friends who play bass and adding them to the archive, so it will continue to grow. If you’d like to be added, just drop me an e-mail or become my friend on MySpace.

Click here to access the Double Bassist MySpace Archive

Contrabass Conversations also has a MySpace page, and you can become the show’s friend there as well. You can hear the promo and check out the individual episodes there as well as through the Contrabass Conversations website.

My blog tends to turn up prominently in Google (unlike MySpace), and I wouldn’t be surprised if people’s names on the archive start coming up in search results soon. I’ll play with that over the next few days and see how the Google bots are spidering the page.

Jason’s MySpace: www.myspace.com/jasonheathbasspage

Contrabass Conversation’s MySpace: www.myspace.com/cbcpodcast

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