Last week I wrote a piece covering the Joshua Bell train station busking story that has been floating around the Internet. Many bloggers have added their two cents to this story (you can visit my previous post for links to some of these other bloggers’ comments), including a great parody of the whole story by Jeremy Denk.

Matt Heller, the newest member of the Calgary Philharmonic bass section, recently wrote a very perceptive and thoughtful post of the whole affair. I urge readers with an interest in this story to check out Matt’s post. It is excellent writing from an excellent writer.

Some folks may not be familiar with Matt Heller and his blog hellafrisch. If you haven’t visited before, definitely take a look around his blog. Matt consistently posts high quality ruminations of the classical music business. He was also featured in a New York Times piece by Daniel Wakin. Although you can no longer read the original story online (why do newspapers feel the need to lock down their old content while giving away their new content?), you can read some quotes from the story and commentary about it here.

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