While poking around online looking for biographical information about Michael Hovnanian for our Contrabass Conversations interview, I stumbled upon one of the most bizarre blogs I have ever seen. The title of the blog is:

Michael Hovnanian’s Fingerings are Wrong!
Where Sensible Bass Players Try to Right the Mostrous Evil Being Done on Michael Hovnanian’s CSO Bass Blog

This blog has to be a joke, right? What would possess someone to start a blog with the sole purpose of criticizing another bass player’s fingerings? This is a very funny blog that just has to be some sort of inside joke that I am not getting. The author goes by the handle ‘Angry Bassist’. His ‘About Me’ description reads:

Never mind who I am. I’m an angry bassist. Angry with Mike Hovnanian for the fingerings he publishes at his CSO Bass Blog.

The strangest thing is that Michael’s fingerings are great! He is the last bass player in the world that I would expect to have his fingering criticized. In fact, most bassists who have gotten to know Michael view his fingerings as an example of highly enlightened double bass navigation.

The premise of this blog has been making me laugh since I first saw it. In fact, I couldn’t stop giggling during this week’s set of Elgin Symphony concerts thinking about this blog. There is also all of this talk about The Phantom, a comic strip that appears in many newspapers.

The Phantom and angry rants about Michael’s fingerings. How can you not check out this blog?

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