I just stumbled upon a new music blog called Brass Tax, authored by a French Horn player.  Here’s a snippet from a recent post:

We’ve all heard the usual stuff from your average church choir member:
"Thanks so much for playing, it sounds beautiful!"
"We’re so glad you’re here!"
"I played the horn in high school!"
That last one is certainly not exclusive to the church choir crowd. I hear it on subways, walking down the street, in the CVS… One time, I had an elderly black woman say to me,
"You play the French horn? You must be pretty special…" She gave me that knowing-black-lady nod. That was nice. At least I could giggle at that one. "I don’t know about that," I replied modestly.
But the old, "I played horn in high school!" comment is one that I never know how to respond to.
"Great!" (?)
Or even better is, "I played the tuba in high school!"
Well now we don’t have anything in common. Best response: "Great!" (?)

It looks it will be a good blog to check it with, and I just added it to my Google Reader and my blogroll.  This blog happens to use the same template that I used about a year-and-a-half ago, bringing back fond blog memories from the past.  I liked that template!

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