International Society of Bassists President and Ball State University Bass Professor Hans Sturm and I got together recently and filmed a chat about the Rabbath left hand position technique. This final segment of our chat covers more general mental approaches to practicing the double bass.

If you’d like to watch the complete series, you can do so with the Bass Blog Video Player in the sidebar, and you can check it out on YouTube here. You can always hear our three-part interview with Rabbath on his Contrabass Conversations page. Check out the first part of this video here, second part here, third part here, and fourth part here.

We’ve also got a player set up on the Contrabass Conversations site that plays all five of these Hans Sturm videos in order, so you can watch the entire 40 minute series uninterrupted.

If playback doesn’t work for the video below on your computer, either visit the YouTube link above or view it in the bass blog video player in the sidebar.

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