Butler University bass professor David Murray (one of the bassists featured on this weekend’s Contrabass Conversations episode) recently passed along this request from double bassist Karna Mason.  She’s doing a study on playing-related pain in double bassists and is looking for folks to fill out a survey to help with this study.  Here’s the info:

My name is Karna Mason and I study double bass at Malmö Academy of Music, Sweden. I’m writing a thesis about Ergonomics and Double bass playing and would be very thankful if you could help me by answering a few questions over the internet. It’s about the prevalence of playing-related pain in double bassists. It will only take you 5 minutes to complete. Participation is of course voluntary, but I would very much appreciate your help. It will be answered anonymously so I will not be able to se who answered.

If you’re interested please follow this link:

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