I’m writing this blog post from my brand-spanking new Macbook! I’ve
been planning a move (back) to the Mac side of things for quite some
time now, and I’m really digging how this device improves my workflow.
I wrote a post about my big and clunky Acer laptop running Windows XP
and how this is… well, a less than ideal device for a blogger and

I’ve always known that most new media types gravitate to the Mac
platform, and it’s easy to see why after only a few minutes over on the
other side of things. It’s a great feeling getting off of that massive
moster of a computer and onto a more contemporary machine. Though I’m
sure I’ll miss some of the progams I’ve purchased for the PC, and there
are bound to be some bumps in the road as I learn a new workflow for my
dily activities, but I’m pumped to get into the Mac interface and see
how this changes things up for me.

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