I love this blog post from violinist (and Inside the Arts co-blogger) Holly Mulcahy. Holly’s writing is always a lot of fun and quite insightful, and this piece is no exception:NeoClassicalHM350.jpg

How to Lose Your Audience in 10 Easy Steps

An engaged, enthusiastic, and diverse audience is one of the strongest measurements for justifying an orchestra’ value. During my years as a violinist in various orchestras around the country, I have witnessed audiences lose their enthusiasm for live concerts and turn their backs to orchestras as the result of behavior from those inside the ensemble.

A growing reality is nobody seems to learn from these mistakes and instead, treats them as though they should be expected behavior. Concerts and rehearsals are becoming as predictable as bad sitcoms but instead of turning preachy about how each group needs to avoid making the mistakes, I’ve created this step-by-step guide to identify the problems which contribute to alienating an audience along with some practical advice on how to avoid the traps.

Check out the 10 steps here!

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