Dont Stalk Me.png

I had an experience a couple of years back that made me both chuckle and realize how non-private I’ve made all the little details of my life:

I was halfway through a run one beautiful June day when I realized, to my horror, that I had forgotten about a lesson I’d scheduled with an adult student. I was several miles home and immediately turned tail and sprinted home, feeling like a big ditz.

I got home and called my student immediately, apologizing for missing the lesson. “That’s OK,” she replied, “I saw on your Twitter feed that you were out for a run, so I figured you’d just forgotten.” I jumped in the shower, then headed over to teach the lesson, for the first time realizing that, if someone wanted to take a hit out on me, it would take them all of 30 seconds to track me down, with all my obsessive Twittering and whatnot.

I suppose I’ve just got to make sure not to attract the attention of any scary internet crazies….

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