I recently heard a great feature on Talk of the Nation from National Public Radio. On it, host Neal Conan is chatting with Twitter co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone. The adoption of Twitter for such a wide variety of uses has been pretty surprising, and the possibilities for the service seem to be endless.

Twitter Uses I Hadn’t Thought About

I tend to use Twitter (twitter.com/jasonheath) as a way to keep a more personal, diary-like stream of thoughts, photos, and links, incorporating it into my blog and into my Facebook page. My use of it is therefore pretty normal “Web 2.0 guy” fare.Twitter.png

It sounds like more and more groups are using it as a messaging service for members of their organization, however; Biz and Ev mention that a Boy Scout troop in a rural area is using it as a way to announce troop events. Are all of these Boy Scout parents running around with iPhones installed with Tweetie? No way…..but Twitter also sends updates via SMS as well as email, and who these days doesn’t have a cell phone? It has become the ubiquitous device in nearly everyone’s pocket, so what better way to keep connected?

For someone like me (I follow well over 1000 people), getting SMS updates would be insane, but for people who may want to know the latest updates from the Chicago Symphony, Chicago Sun-Times, or their favorite local band, this might indeed be the perfect solution.

More Arts and Culture Twitterers

I’ve put out a couple of posts recently about my experiences on Twitter (I’ve been using it for the past two years), and since these posts have been meeting many music and art-related people new to Twitter (or new to me, at least), including:

Naxos Music Library – twitter.com/NaxosMusicLib
Charles Noble – twitter.com/nobleviola
Dan Cray – twitter.com/dancrayjazz
OK Mozart – twitter.com/okmozart
Exploring Music – twitter.com/exploringmusic
Allen Wally – twitter.com/AWalley
I Fight Dragons – twitter.com/IFightDragons
Muso Magazine – twitter.com/Musomag
Midsummer’s Music – twitter.com//MidsummersMusic
Tyler Jackson – twitter.com/tejackson
Fifth House – twitter.com/FifthHouse      

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