I often get comments like the following regarding how I handle comments (which I moderate):

Jason Heath is censoring free speech.

I’ve tried to post several times but he won’t allow me to and all I have is a contrasting view-point without any foul language.

Here’s my response to this person. I didn’t mention this in my reply, but a sure way to not get your comment approved is to leave a fake email address or fake name. Generally, people who do that are leaving “flame” comments:

I moderate all comments on this blog and generally go through the comment queue once per day. This is due to hate speech and inappropriate comments that come through. This blog gets a lot of comments, so it takes me time to go through this material.

Also, this is not a public forum–this is a blog that I run, and I reserve the right to approve or delete any comment as I see fit. That’s how a blog works. I actually DO approve a lot of negative comments. I don’t recall the comments you mentioned posting, and I apologize if I deleted them inadvertently. I like to see debates get going on this blog, and I like hearing a lot of different viewpoints. But you’d be amazed at the hateful and vitriolic stuff that comes across my virtual desk in the form of comments. I simply have to approve them one-by-one.

A lot of kids read this blog, and I want to keep this place clean and not let crazy ranting comments stream under each post. If I didn’t moderate then that’s what would happen. I’m sorry if this is annoying, but this isn’t actually a public forum–it’s my blog. It even says so in the title! I welcome comments, but I will “censor” as I see fit. This is my policy. I even have a page on the blog describing this policy: http://doublebassblog.org/features/blogging-policy

I’ve found that people write things online that they’d never say in person. As a result, the level of discourse gets really low online–an perusal of YouTube comments will demonstrate this. If this starts to happen here (and it does), I try to nip it in the bud.

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