Not bass-specific, but certainly worth pondering:

Will the Lacey Act Criminalize Instrument Sales?
International Trade Commission Invites You to Weigh In

(Source: Music Trades Magazine) A recent amendment to the Lacey Act, which requires buyers and sellers to document of the source and species of wood used in any product or face serious legal consequences, has alarmed the music industry worldwide. Last year agents from the FBI and the Fish, Game, & Wildlife Department raided the Gibson factory in Nashville and seized allegedly undocumented wood. The consensus among other guitar makers was that “if Gibson could be targeted, then everyone is at risk.” The U.S. International Trade Commission, recognizing the problems created by the Lacey Act as currently written, is planning to appeal to Congress to revise the law.

Senior Trade Analyst Ralph Watkins is heading the effort, and is interested in hearing from anyone in the industry about problems with the law. He can be contacted at: 202-205-3492 or

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