There were several concurrent revelations some years back that inspired me to look deeper into this frequency relationships and such. There were two books, “The Cosmic Octave” by Hans Cousteau and “Nada Brahma” by J.E. Berendt. Around the same time of reading these books I was introduced to the “Schumann Resonances”, and also spotted a news article claiming that a super-low, ultra-beefy B-flat was discovered at the heart of the Perseus Galaxy Cluster.

I enjoyed gleaning what I could from Cousteau’s “The Cosmic Octave” but progressively lost interest when the Swiss-born author intermittently insinuated that he was the long-awaited mathematician, scholar, and glass bead gamer “Magister Ludi” of Hermann Hesse lore. I then dropped the book entirely when the sexual pleasures of tuning forks of various pitches was discussed. The book seemed to go astray in terms of academic rigor at that point. Went completely off the rails. [It should be duly noted that this tuning fork phenomenon is not unknown in certain circles. However, as a bass player with an electronic tuner, I had no previous knowledge of such activities.]

At the moment I don’t remember anything specific about Berendt’s “Nada Brahma”, it blew my mind so much. Seriously, this book changed my outlook on many things. One of the 2-3 books in my life that has had a tectonic-shift type of impact. On the other hand, I’ve also spoken with insomniacs who would pick up the book when they really needed sleep, they found it so obtuse. (“Obtuse! Did you say ‘Obtuse’?”)

I admit that I wasn’t able to follow everything in “Nada Brahma”, which is par for the course for somewhat difficult reads since I can be notoriously thick-headed, but extracted enough meaningful content to be extremely happy to have read it. (The same goes for Fritjof Capra’s “The Tao of Physics”, who, incidentally, wrote the introduction for the edition of “Nada Brahma” in my possession.)

The Schumann Resonances are a fascinating phenomenon that is, literally, right under our feet, noses, etc. They are essentially “global electromagnetic resonances excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.” []

The resonances are ELFs (Extremely Low Frequencies) consisting of several tones and overtones, the strongest of which is the so-called and aptly-named “Schumann Resonance” after the German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who mathematically predicted the existence of said frequencies in 1952. This strongest of these at 7.83 Hz I sometimes refer to as the Earth Resonance.

I was introduced to the Schumann Resonance at a sound workshop hosted by Dean and Dudley Evenson, accomplished musicians and founders of “Soundings of the Planet”, an independent record label founded in 1979. They are still actively recording and producing music.

One thing they started to do when they became aware of the Schumann/Earth Resonance was to include the resonance itself in all of their recordings. This strongest resonance of 7.83 Hz is well below our threshold of hearing. However, some fun “facts” I’ve gathered about said resonance follow:

• Whales, crickets, and a myriad of other creatures communicate along this frequency, effectively using the earth as an amplifier to carry their signal over long distances.
• Submarines allegedly use this same frequency for underwater communication and navigation, and have been (correctly, in my opinion) blamed for killing/damaging marine life in the process.
• The Schumann Resonance has been built into space shuttle instrumentation to help prevent space sickness.
• The Earth Resonance is right at the threshold between two critical brain states, that of “theta” (dreaming, subconscious, hypnotic, meditative) and “alpha” (daydreaming, creative, relaxed). [I like to think that humans evolved around this “lullaby” sung by our very planet]
• The Earth Resonance is a B natural when A is tuned to 446.447 Hz (slightly sharp)

The aforementioned facts are as I understand them to be. (I know, “crickets”!) I am in no way a scholar, scientist or academic about this. If any facts or assumptions listed are incorrect, I would appreciate hearing about it.

If you ever google “Schumann Resonance”, you’ll see that some folks believe that the resonance is actually getting higher and higher as our planet’s panic increases, until all will be knocked cattywumpus in 2012. I’m not saying that nothing will happen in 2012, and it does seem that the earth is considered disposable by many, but for the record, a real-life scientist working on ELFs in Alaska told me that the Earth’s pitch is not changing.

As for the lowest known note in the universe, it was found in 2003 at the center of the Perseus Galaxy Cluster by scientists at the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Essentially, there’s this B-flat 57 octaves below middle C emitted by a supermassive black hole at the center of a cluster of galaxies. The note is so low, one sound wave is produced every 10 million years and carries the power of 100 million supernovas.

The fact that the scientists figured out the pitch of something so low inspired me to do some simple figurin’ and octavatin’. As far as I know, I was the first person to figure out that the actual pitch of the Earth Resonance is a B natural. It’s quite beautiful that the earth has been saying “B natural” all along.

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