at the Divine Word Cathedral near Northbrook, IL - December 2012

After five years (!) of low activity on the blog, I decided to crank it back into action.  After much cleaning up of code, old ads, etc., and redesigning the site so it didn’t look so mid-2000s, I’m back in the blogging arena.

I’m now working on updating my links page and blogroll.  There’s a lot of excellent content on both of these pages, but also a lot of out-of-date material and a lot of new stuff that I’ve missed during my dormant period.

If you have as link suggestion, bass blog/site suggestion, etc., leave a comment or drop me a message and let me know.  I’ll be scouring these lists and making some changes myself (both of these pages are nearly ten years old at this point).

If you’re interested in browsing some of the better content among the 3600 posts on, check out the features page.  This is a good point of entry into a deep pool of music/bass/teaching content.

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