There’s a lot that goes into the college audition process!

This is an outline that I pass along to high school students thinking about auditioning for music school.

Junior Year

  1. Identify 10-12 schools
  2. Research these schools (this guide will help!)
  3. Make contact with the teachers
  4. Reflect – which of these seem like good fits for you?
  5. Group these schools into three groups
    1. Safety
    2. Target
    3. Reach
  6. Plan your summer carefully – this is the best possible window of time to work on your audition repertoire

Senior Year

  1. Narrow down your list to 5-7 schools – include at least two safety schools and one or two reach schools
  2. Schedule a visit and a lesson
  3. Enter audition requirements for all schools into spreadsheet
  4. Research audition times – avoid making life terrible in Jan/Feb
  5. Plan your practice time carefully – the fall disappears quickly
  6. Make sure you’re preparing well – check out our Ten Practice Techniques for Better Auditioning for more details

Tips for Surviving the Audition Process

  1. Start your preparation early – there’s no substitute for good preparation
  2. 1-2 hours of practice a day is much better than 4-5 hours every once in a while
  3. Play for as many teachers as possible
  4. Get as much sleep as you can
  5. Exercise regularly
  6. Drink lots of water
  7. Eat healthy – diet has a huge affect on your mental state
  8. Visualize your performance – be as detailed as possible
  9. Spend time outside – especially in nature
  10. This is a small part of a very long journey

More Resources

I’ve spoken about this topic at several events over the years.  Here’s a live talk that I did with Illinois Wesleyan bass teacher Trevor Jones.

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