I’m on faculty… really!

Though it certainly had its drawbacks (did you know that if you Google “disturbing adjunct teaching,” this post of mine comes up? Ha!), I did enjoy having an institutional affiliation for my bass teaching for the five years I taught my university studio...

Master class with Rami Solomonow

One of the many hats I wear these days is as podcast coordinator for the wonderful Midwest Young Artists youth music organization here in the north suburbs of Chicago. Their podcast can be found at WMYA.FM. The following episode featuring DePaul University viola...

My Talk at the University of Illinois

I’ll be doing a talk at the University of Illinois at Chapmaign-Urbana this Thursday on how to best go about setting up teaching studio, something that I’ve given a lot of thought about over the years. I’m actually in the midst of writing a...

Music School Enrollment Spikes as Economy Tanks

Contrabass Conversations co-host John Grillo pointed out a recent Chicago Tribune article by Howard Reich, one of my longtime favorite critics (I fondly remember him doing a music business chat for one of my classes at Northwestern about 15 years ago). Howard writes:...