We hope you all enjoyed our first episode of the all-music show Eclectic Bass, our latest offering from the Contrabass Conversations podcast network. If you missed it, you can find the first episode here, and stay tuned for more episodes from this series in the very near future.

Along with Exploring Chamber Music, our series featuring Brad Opland and the Chicago Chamber Musicians, this new program allows us to offer a wider range of music on a more regular basis without altering our basic interview feature show structure. We hope you enjoy it, and don’t hesitate to send us some tracks if you’d like to be featured! Just visit www.doublebassblog.org/contact to get in touch.

Jack Budrow on the Podcast

This weekend, we’ll be releasing the first installment of our interview with Michigan State University and Interlochen Arts Academy bass professor Jack Budrow. Jack has had an illustrious performing career as a member of the Houston Symphony, Santa Fe Opera Orchestra, and as Principal Bass of the North Carolina Symphony. He has taught at Michigan State University for the past 12 years and at Interlochen for the past 30 years, and his former students perform in major orchestras worldwide.

Co-host John Grillo and I had a great chat with Jack for a couple of hours last week, and we’ll be breaking this interview into two segments just like we’ve done for many of our longer conversations. Stay tuned this weekend for the release of this quite interesting interview with Jack Budrow!

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