I can’t help but notice that all of my fellow students coming in late to class at DePaul University or Oakton Community College are invariably carrying piping-hot cups of Starbucks coffee with them. How long did it take to get that coffee? Is that a good idea when you’re running late? Is that respectful? Do they realize the message that they’re sending with that behavior? I don’t think they do…
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I had a teacher in my undergrad who actually requested that I get coffee before my morning lessons, because otherwise I was so tired I could hardly function. So maybe they’re not really being disrespectful, they’re just trying to play better for you. Although ideally they would get the coffee BEFORE their lesson and still get there on time.
I think I’d be upset if a student of mine was late with a drink. Not to mention that there shouldn’t be enough down time to drink a coffee during a lesson.
. . . some people’s kids.
Here is a problem that I have in my job as a personnel manager- we have a 15 or 20 minute break depending on length of service. Starbucks about 1 block away. Players seem to think they can walk there, get through the line with 10-12 of their colleagues, walk back and sip their hot beverage in that amount time. I unfortunately had to crack down and start keeping a list of tardy folks it got so bad. And to top it off their $5 coffee sits there and gets cold as drinks are not allowed on stage. So hint to the new players out there- plan your time wisely, being late in the professional world does not fly.