Though it certainly had its drawbacks (did you know that if you Google “disturbing adjunct teaching,” this post of mine comes up? Ha!), I did enjoy having an institutional affiliation for my bass teaching for the five years I taught my university studio double bass. It was nice to be able to say that I was the bass teacher at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, rather than identifying myself as just some solo bass dude like I do now (though not in those exact words).

Therefore, for whatever reason, I get a warm and fuzzy feeling to see that I’m up, snarky sneer and all, on the DePaul University Music Education faculty pages:

Jason Heath faculty page DePaul 1.png

Maybe I should have chose a less despondent picture for this! It looks like my puppy just died. Perhaps something like this would have worked better:

Jason ugly face 1.jpg

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