I’ll be doing a talk at the University of Illinois at Chapmaign-Urbana this Thursday on how to best go about setting up teaching studio, something that I’ve given a lot of thought about over the years. I’m actually in the midst of writing a multi-part series on this topic!
The speaking engagements have really ramped up for me this past year–this is my fourth one in as many months. I enjoy doing these events a lot, regardless of the topic, and I am definitely amassing an archive of talks that I can do again at some future date! When I do an event like this, I always sit down with Keynote (a Mac-only program that makes Powerpoint look like a pile of puke) and basically create the whole talk within that program. I’d probably still use Keynote as my prepping software even if I wasn’t actually using it for the talk; it really helps me to organize my thoughts.
Another benefit of using Keynote is that after I do these talks I can put together a video of the presentation with new dialogue and put it out online. I did that with my book talk from 2008, and I’ve got a few more old Keynotes on various topics (string teaching, blogging, and now studio development) that I’ll be putting out when my schedule let up in….well, June.
Ugh. Too busy!
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