Mahler and the Bass player – post from Benjy

The following post is from longtime blog friend Benjy: The following anecdote is an excerpt taken from the recent and excellent Mahler biography (Yale University Press 2011) written by Jens Malte Fischer, and translated into English by Stewart Spencer.  I am sure that...

Auditioning at 54 – part 2

This is part 2 of a guest post by double bassist Jean-Yves Bénichou. You can read part 1 of Benjy’s post here. Benjy is bi-national, being a citizen of both the United States and France. He has lived in France for the past 30 years and has been a member of the...

Auditioning at 54 – guest post from Jean-Yves Bénichou

This is a guest post by double bassist Jean-Yves Bénichou. Benjy is bi-national, being a citizen of both the United States and France. He has lived in France for the past 30 years and has been a member of the Strasbourg Philharmonic since 1985. He studied double bass...

Remembering Jean Cros – guest post from Jean-Yves Bénichou

This is a guest post by double bassist Jean-Yves Bénichou. Benjy is bi-national, being a citizen of both the United States and France. He has lived in France for the past 30 years and has been a member of the Strasbourg Philharmonic since 1985. He studied double bass...