Edgar Meyer, Ray Brown, and Victor Wooten

After posting my lengthy post about Edgar Meyer’s playing last week, I though it would be good to put out a little video of this great player out on the blog. There’s precious little on YouTube, and what is there is usually from a shaky cell phone, but...

Joel Negus – YouTube Symphony bassist and awesome guy

I can’t believe I didn’t blog about this already (I chalk it up to my psycho student/teacher/performer schedule, but still…), but Joel Negus one of the very talented bassists at the Cleveland Institute who has appeared several times here on the blog...

Classic Post: Andy Anderson Virtual Lessons

Here’s another one of our most popular offerings over the past two years. I can’t even begin to tell you how much positive feedback we’ve had over the two years since these videos originally appeared on the blog; they’ve been watched several...

Classic Post: Hans Sturm and the Rabbath Technique

Back in 2007, International Society of Bassists president Hans Sturm and I recorded a set of videos. Set up as mini-lessons (with me playing the role of student), we recorded these in order to give folks a primer on some of the concepts of the Rabbath technique, a...

Mark Deutsch plays the Bazantar

Are you familiar with the bazantar? I wasn’t either until a few minutes ago, but I definitely want one now. Richard Carnegie passed along a link to this video through the Unusual Instruments’ Music Videos blog. This is one to bookmark, folks, and I hope...