Bass Blog quick links

Here are some stories that have caught my attention this past week.  Most of them could use a blog post all their own, but I seem to be spending all my time digging my car out of snowbanks these days, so these links will have to do: Danny Newman: 1919-2007...

Re-interviewing Justin Locke

It finally happened.  I had just wrapped up a great interview with Justin Locke a couple of weeks ago, and I went to click the ‘save’ button on HotRecorder, the program I use to record podcast interviews.  Well, HotRecorder wasn’t so hot...

LiveJournal mirror site for

I just discovered that there is a mirror site on LiveJournal for  It’s basically an RSS link of all the posts here.  I think that this is cool–thanks to whoever set this up!  Check it out here:...

Twitter Updates for 2007-12-05

We’re in the middle of a big snowstorm here in Chicago. Had quite a hairy drive home! # Putting the finishing touches on our final Lawrence Hurst interview segment. # Heading for bed after installing some awesome new blog plugins. # Dragged out of bed early by...

Wintry Mess hits Chicago

We’ve gotten slammed here in Chicago with the first really big snowfall of the season.  This kind of thing used to strike terror into my very core as I envisioned the slipping and sliding that I would be doing on rural Wisconsin back roads, commuting...