Chicago Symphony bassist Rob Kassinger in recital this Tuesday!

If you’re able, I’d definitely recommend checking out Rob Kassinger (pictured here with Yo-Yo Ma and DePaul cello faculty member Steve Balderston) in a performance of the Bottesini  Concerto with the DePaul Chamber Orchestra this Tuesday evening...

Michael Cameron double bass recital November 12

University of Illinois double bass professor Michael Cameron will be performing a recital of unaccompanied double bass music on Monday, November 12 in the Smith Hall Memorial Room on the University of Illinois campus in Champaign-Urbana. He will be performing music of...

Ian Hallas performs the Bottesini Concerto mvt 2

Ian Hallas, principal bassist for the Midwest Young Artists Symphony Orchestra (and my student for the past six years) is seen here performing the second movement of the Bottesini Concerto in B minor with his high school orchestra in Northbrook, Illinois. This was...

This Crazy Business Part 7: The Satisfaction of Section Playing

While reviewing the various installments of Road Warrior Without an Expense Account, This Crazy Business, Basses, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, or any of the other gig stories here on the blog, I couldn’t help but notice that something was missing. Many of...

New installment of This Crazy Business tomorrow

I’m on my eighth cup of coffee right now as I sit perched over the Steppenwolf Theatre on the north side of Chicago, working on blog projects, podcasts, videos, and some interesting new behind-the-scenes goodies. I’m also putting the finishing touches on...