Advice for young musicians from a seasoned veteran (not me!)

Australian double bassist Steve Abrahall wrote to me recently about a piece he wrote several years ago about how young musicians might want to approach the concept of practicing. Practicing is, of course, an essential part of each musician’s life, but the nuts...

Why teens don’t listen to classical music

Update: I’ve taught music to teens for years in many contexts, and I firmly believe that a huge percentage of them do really enjoy and seek out classical music… just not in the way you might expect. Learn more about this and many other such topics on my...

Best materials for beginner bass teaching

I bassist just beginning her journey as a double bass teacher wrote to me recently inquiring about what I consider to be a good approach toward starting beginners. Here’s my response: t’s great that you’re starting to do some teaching! The best...

Profile: University of Maryland bass faculty

The University of Maryland has really become a compelling institution for double bass study in recent years, and having bass teachers Richard Barber (National Symphony Orchestra member) and Anthony Manzo (former Phoenix Symphony and current member of New Century...

Life After Music School – PDF booklet

In 2008, I wrote a book titled Road Warrior Without an Expense Account detailing my experiences as a freelance musician. This book was derived from a series of ten blog posts written in 2006 and 2007 and is in many ways a cautionary tale about the pitfalls that many...