Quick Teaching Tip

Hi everyone, Pete Tambroni here for a quick teaching tip. I find when I teach German bow, the frog often slips to the base of the thumb. This limits arm and wrist flexibility. To help the student keep the frog near the base of the fingers, I tell them to rest it on...

Is college really right for everybody?

I stumbled across this excellent post from Sounds & Fury recently from a study covering what typically happens to students who graduate in the bottom 40% of their classes once they get to college: Among high-school students who graduated in the bottom 40 percent...

University of Illinois bass quartet tours Chicagoland

I had the pleasure of checking out the University of Illinois bass quartet recently (October 22, 2008). This ensemble is comprised of University of Illinois bass professor Michael Cameron and U of I doctoral students Garold Fowler, Hunter Capoccioni, and Alex...

full tuition scholarship for Azusa Pacific University

The following is a short excerpt from the E-Bass Line Newsletter from the International Society of Bassists. Receiving this newsletter each month is one of the many benefits for ISB members, including special rates on instrument insurance, the excellent journal Bass...