This is our next installment of Lyric Opera of Chicago and Grant Park Symphony bassist Andy Anderson’s Virtual Lesson series. This episode covers developing articulation in the bow. You can view all the released episodes of this series (as well as all of our...
We’ve gotten some really fantastic comments on last week’s post about discouraging professional performance ambitions in music education students–this post obviously struck a chord with many readers. You can check out all of the comments on...
I was flabbergasted today during a discussion in one of my teacher certification courses when the course instructor suggested…well, actually, the instructor flat out told this class of music education students that it was unwise and unrealistic to expect to be...
I have been a bit concerned by the throwaway usage of the term ‘bass viol’ recently mostly in regards to John Harbison’s Concerto for Bass Viol. I am actually pleased that by the use of the term, double bassists are recognizing the connection between...
Stan Haskins (Glued to the String) pointed me to a thought-provoking post from Dr. Jim Horn’s Schools Matter blog titled “I Test, Therefore It Exists”:If you thought that the orgy of tabulation that has infected our society had reached a climax...