Bass Blog Posting – Culture Wars – The Value of Music

I have been giving this issue a lot of thought during the holiday season, a time when musicians head out in the snow for the holiday gig season adding merriment to the times – and for me with a newborn in the house, even more poignant…   Once upon a time...

How many bass players do we need on this gig?

Grant Park Symphony and Northern Illinois University bass professor John Floeter put out a really interesting blog post earlier this fall, posing an excellent question: How do people determine the proportion of basses to other string sections for a particular...

Freelancing in the new economy

My good friend Josh Nemith just put out a two-part series about freelancing in the economic downturn that we’re entering. It’s a great piece of writing and full of advice for folks in all sorts of various self-employed niches in the music industry. Check...

Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra on strike

Labor disgraces no man; unfortunately, you occasionally find men who disgrace labor. -Ulysses S. Grant___________ For up-to-date coverage of the WCO strike situation, be sure to visit the musicians’ website (not the management’s site):...

Carping about Cartage

While digging through my old e-mail recently, I came upon this snippy exchange between management and musicians regarding compensation for cartage. This is the sort of thing that really makes my blood boil–cartage is compensation paid to musicians who must load...