Buy Road Warrior Without an Expense Acount – the book!

Buy Road Warrior Without an Expense Acount – the book!

Want to learn the realities of being a freelance musician?  Check out my book Road Warrior Without an Expense Account!  Inspired by a series of posts regarding various facets of making a living as a freelance musician, it covers the following topics: Part I – Adjunct...

How taking less work has led to more work for me

As I spend more of my time focusing on local activities (playing, teaching, etc.) and less on driving all over the country, I’ve gotten a chance to really take in this remarkable city that I live in. What a fascinating and multifaceted place metro Chicago is!...

Gig commuting cost calculator

Building upon last week’s post about how driving expenses eat into one’s gig income, Drew McManus from Adaptistration put together an extremely cool online utility for Inside The Arts.  Type in a set of parameters (distance to gig, cost of gas,...

The real cost of driving to gigs for the freelance musician

  The price of gas rose 31.5 percent in 2007, which means that the average consumer (driving 10,000 miles a year) will spend between $5,510 and $9,095 to operate a 2008 model car. This figure is based on gas, oil, tires, and maintenance–parking or tolls are...