Jeff Bradetich technique packet available for download

Update: Since the publication of his book Double Bass: The Ultimate Challenge, we’ve removed these PDFs (since they are part of the book).  We do have a great interview with Jeff on the Contrabass Conversations podcast, and Jeff was recently featured talking...

International Society of Bassists Convention Schedule

The 2007 International Society of Bassists Convention will be taking place June 4-9 at Wanda L. Bass (fitting name) School of Music on the campus of Oklahoma City University. I imagine that many bass blog readers will be attending this event, and I’d love to...

New VMC tracks coming out soon

I just got a whole bunch of new submissions for the Virtual Master Class Project. If you’re new to the blog and don’t know about this very cool project, you can read up on it here. I will be putting these tracks out over the next couple of weeks, so feel...

Practicing in rhythms

I recently found this excellent post on the blog If at first you don’t succeed…Rhythms are a good technique to use when you want to bring a passage up to speed. The other common technique is to play with a metronome, starting slowly, then gradually...

5th Annual Boston Bass Bash June 29 -July 9, 2007

The 5th annual Boston Bass Bash will be happening this summer from June 29 through July 9. Here is more information from Artistic Director Pascale Delache-Feldman:Dear Bassists,I am very excited to invite you to the 5th annual Boston Bass Bash! The BBB 2007 will be...