Musical Conductor comedy sketch

Bass blog contributor Benjy sent me a link to this hilarious conductor sketch from Comedy Shuffle on BBC. The “conductor’s” mannerisms perfectly capture those of so many U.K. conductors I’ve worked with. What a great idea for a sketch! [From...

Charles Mingus and toilet-training cats

Bass blog contributor Benjy emailed me recently with a link to this short article from jazz bass giant Charles Mingus on how to toilet train (not litter box train–toilet train!) your cat.  This is a must-read even if you don’t have a cat. I love...

World’s greatest wine rack

Bass blog contributor Benjy recently forwarded this pic of an ultra-cool wine rack. OK–it might have cello pegs, but the body is 100% bass. Benjy writes: If this were standing next to my bass, the choice of open strings or open bottles would be difficult! But...