Blog Housekeeping Shortlist

Just a couple of quick items for this Monday morning blog session:I could definitely use some more double bass tracks for the Virtual Master Class project. If you have any recordings of yourself playing double bass solos and excerpts please e-mail them to me at...

My ‘Conducting the Violas’ Story

I’d like to thank people who checked out my story about conducting the violas yesterday. I got some great feedback about it, and I appreciate it! If you’d like to check out any more stories about odd moments in the life of a freelance musician, you can...

Matt Heller mentioned my story

I’d like to thank double bassist and blogger Matt Heller for giving my story about my car exploding a plug. This was truly a surreal event for me. I am working on part 2 of this story, and I hope to have it out later on this week.My crazy schedule makes it...

New tabs – higher education and freelancing

Readers will now be able to see all of my posts on higher education and on freelancing by clicking on the appropriate tabs at the top of this blog. I plan on writing much more about these topics, so you will now be able to access all of these posts with the tabs.If...

John Grillo – The Renaissance Man of the Double Bass

I just got an e-mail from my friend John Grillo, and I realized that I have never mentioned him on the bass blog. This is surprising, because John is one of the most interesting and original musicians I have ever met. John performs frequently with the Pittsburgh Opera...