Bass Shot of the Day – giant and dwarf instruments

Although orchestral players see this size discrepancy every day, it is always amazing to see how the double bass towers over its smaller string family brethren.  It’s amazing how similar many of our techniques are given this humongous difference:  ...

Digital Classical Music Download Sales Soaring

Double bassist and frequent Contrabass Conversations collaborator John Grillo sent me a link to this interesting article in a recent issue of Newsweek discussing the increasing sales of classical music downloadable content: ….classical retailers have been the...

My good friend Mike Colwill on Japanese vending machines

My longtime friend and fellow blogger Mike Colwill just had a post on Japanese vending machines released on Dark Roasted Blend, one of my absolute most favorite blogs in the world.  DRB is insanely addictive, so look out before heading over...

Great responses to ‘Making a Living’

We’ve had some excellent comments from readers to Bill Harrison’s ‘Making a Living’ blog post last week. I have yet to craft my own response to Bill’s question, but I’m working on it. Here are a few comments from this post in...

Great Bottesini photo from Benjy

Regular bass blog contributor Benjy sent in this great photo from an old International Society of Bassists journal that he scanned, retouched, and framed. Benjy writes: I’m sure that it will amuse the bass community- we can actually count the number of strings...