Makin’ Whoopee

I got a principal bass spot in a local Chicagoland orchestra right after graduating from college. One of the side benefits of holding this position was having the opportunity to participate in the ensemble’s community outreach program. I’d already had...

Scared of the scroll

I’ve got another little tale about what happens when cats and basses collide. Most bass players seem to love cats, and many have similar tales of feline mischief. One of my colleagues was over at my place playing some bass quartets a few years ago. His extremely...

Great feedback on ‘Where’s My Trumpet?’

My recent tale of a colleague who mistakenly left his instrument 250 miles south of his gig definitely struck a chord with many readers. Here are some of the great comments relating similar panicky tales: Darlene writes: I just played a concert yesterday that was held...

Bury the violas!

Here’s a fun little story that one of my more senior colleagues recently passed along to me: Many years ago, the conductor Hans Werner Henze was rehearsing Stauss’ tone poem “Till Eugenspiegel” with the Chicago Symphony. There is a particularly...

Best of the Blog

It’s been a great year of blogging for me personally, and I’m really excited to have reached the phase of development for both Contrabass Conversations and that I’m at currently. We’ve got a large daily readership (we were...