Carping about Cartage

While digging through my old e-mail recently, I came upon this snippy exchange between management and musicians regarding compensation for cartage. This is the sort of thing that really makes my blood boil–cartage is compensation paid to musicians who must load...

Summer festivals – a good deal?

Adaptistration blogger and Inside the Arts mastermind Drew McManus recently put out a post about summer music festivals that really caught my eye. In this post (dated 6/27/08), Drew writes: Unlike regular season positions, music festivals have an added bonus by...

Justin Locke: Art of the Crazy Gig Story

Justin Locke has gracefully made the move from the hardscrabble world of freelance music into his current occupation as corporate speaker and author, and he’s got enough tales from his time in this often wacky business to keep you entertained for days. We...

Best of the Blog

It’s been a great year of blogging for me personally, and I’m really excited to have reached the phase of development for both Contrabass Conversations and that I’m at currently. We’ve got a large daily readership (we were...

The Art of Slowing Down

Though this post’s title could easily be tied to a post about slow practice or something like that (which would make a good future blog post!), I’m actually referring here to the deliciously laid-back summer schedules that I’ve managed to get away...