links for 2007-12-19

Merry Christmas – Honolulu update Patty from oboeinsight blogs about the Honolulu Symphony missing their payroll. The musicians there seem to be taking it all in stride, however. (tags: honolulu symphony oboeinsight oboe classical music blog) Atonality’s...

links for 2007-12-16, The Best Source for Music, Education, and Technology! One of my favorite blogs–definitely the #1 destination for tech-savvy educators. (tags: blogs education MIDI music news podcasting RSS tech Technology) Emerson Plays Sheng...

Bass Blog quick links

Here are some stories that have caught my attention this past week.  Most of them could use a blog post all their own, but I seem to be spending all my time digging my car out of snowbanks these days, so these links will have to do: Danny Newman: 1919-2007...

Miloslav Gajdos performs 100th anniversary recital – video

In 2005, Lyric Opera of Chicago bassist (and Contrabass Conversations guest) Greg Sarchet organized a recital celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first known double bass recital in the United States. This 1905 double bass recital was performed by Václav Jiskra, a...