About the Virtual Master Class Project

Musicians need the input of others in order to develop and hone their craft. Successful performing artists do not live in a vacuum. They constantly seek out the advice of others and incorporate these suggestions into their practicing. The most important source of...

IRIS Chamber Orchestra – Finding Rothko

We just completed the January IRIS concert tonight here in Memphis, Tennessee, and it really got a great reception. Jason Vieaux played fabulously, and the commission by Adam Schoenberg went really well.Finding Rothko (Adam’s commission) was a really rich and...

New Google Blogger Features

I have a few minutes to myself here in Memphis tonight, and I’d like to describe a couple of cool new features that Blogger has rolled out. As I mentioned earlier today, I have a new URL for this blog (doublebassblog.com). This is the sort of endeavor that...

New URL for my blog

I am out the door to Memphis, so I can’t put out my usual posts until after rehearsal tonight. You’ll be hearing from me today, just not until the evening hours. Before I take off, I just want to direct people’s attention to my new URL, which is...