Rufus Reid this weekend on Contrabass Conversations

We’ll be featuring an interview with and music from jazz bass legend Rufus Reid this week on Contrabass Conversations. I’m very stoked to get to be able to feature this great artist on the podcast! The list of notable double bass guests grows ever longer...

Best of the Blog

It’s been a great year of blogging for me personally, and I’m really excited to have reached the phase of development for both Contrabass Conversations and that I’m at currently. We’ve got a large daily readership (we were...

Ripping Off Your Teachers

I’ve got story for you, and I promise it’s true! When I was getting started as a freelance musician at the tail end of my masters degree, I was quaking in my boots about my future prospects. After all, I was regularly buying CDs at Borders and Barnes and Noble from...
Tim Cobb Double Bass Master Class Summary

Tim Cobb Double Bass Master Class Summary

I had the opportunity to addend a master class featuring Tim Cobb this past Wednesday (5/28/08), which was hosted by Peter Lloyd. In addition to serving as principal double bassist with the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, Tim serves as principal double bassist...

How taking less work has led to more work for me

As I spend more of my time focusing on local activities (playing, teaching, etc.) and less on driving all over the country, I’ve gotten a chance to really take in this remarkable city that I live in. What a fascinating and multifaceted place metro Chicago is!...