Follow-Up to Rabbath versus Simandl

My double bass colleague John Tuck recently sent some comments regarding my Rabbath versus Simandl post. He agreed to let me share them here. John is Assistant Principal Bass for the Northwest Indiana Symphony. He also plays for the Lake Forest Symphony and the Des...

Rabbath versus Simandl – a comparative study for double bass

If you’re thinking about purchasing any of the following method books, click through the links below and a portion of your purchase will go to support and our podcast! There are two predominant double bass pedagogical methods in the United...

Getting into the top bass colleges

Scott Bakshis of the Chicago Youth Symphony recently compiled a list of what the requirements for all the top bass schools are. This is a meta list derived from the requirements of Indiana University, Boston University, Rice University, Curtis, Juilliard, Eastman, and...

Lesson Summaries and Assignments

This page is actually the first “post” ever for the blog! I used to use the blog solely to maintain a log of lesson summaries/assignments for my private students  I keep this post up for sentimental reasons.  This list is from 2005: Libertyville Studio...