Awesome Apps for Teaching Music

Awesome Apps for Teaching Music

I’m doing a presentation this Saturday for the Illinois American String Teachers Association on apps that I use for teaching.  Honestly, tech is so tightly integrated into what I do with students that it’s hard to even think of specifically what I use on a regular...

Loving the unemployment

Summer has always been a slow time for me bass-wise. Though I’ve always done at least one summer festival since college, I usually find myself with quite a bit of time on my hands during the warmer months. The lack of summer work used to cause me considerable...

Summer festivals – a good deal?

Adaptistration blogger and Inside the Arts mastermind Drew McManus recently put out a post about summer music festivals that really caught my eye. In this post (dated 6/27/08), Drew writes: Unlike regular season positions, music festivals have an added bonus by...

Best of the Blog

It’s been a great year of blogging for me personally, and I’m really excited to have reached the phase of development for both Contrabass Conversations and that I’m at currently. We’ve got a large daily readership (we were...

The Art of Slowing Down

Though this post’s title could easily be tied to a post about slow practice or something like that (which would make a good future blog post!), I’m actually referring here to the deliciously laid-back summer schedules that I’ve managed to get away...