Blogging on the iPhone

While blogging via a cell phone may seem like a painful experience, the iPhone is no ordinary cell phone, and with the release of the brand spanking new WordPress app especially for the iPhone, it’s easier than ever. While I doubt that iPhone blogging (which...

Door County and my summer blogging schedule

I’m off to scenic Door County, Wisconsin tomorrow for my very enjoyable annual summer music festival. I put out a video about this festival earlier this week. It’s fun to think back on my previous seasons spent up in Wisconsin. In 2005, this blog...

Mac versus PC for bloggers part 2: blog software and workflow

Check out part 1 of this series here. One of the main tasks I use my laptop for is blogging, and the workflow on the Mac was of primary importance to me. Though I spent the first few years of my blog ging career on a PC, I knew that over 50% of all bloggers use a Mac,...

Robert Meyer this weekend on Contrabass Conversations

I’m putting the final touches on this week’s Contrabass Conversations interview episode with Robert Meyer.  I’ve been an avid follower of Robert’s blog Musical Reminiscences since he launched it in late 2006, and I was thrilled that he was...

I’m losing my blogging edge…

…in the morning, at least!  I spent all of 2007 waking up between four and five a.m., putting the coffee on the stove, cracking my knuckles, and churning out 3-5 blog posts per day.  This schedule, quite frankly, was necessitated by both all of my...