I rarely use this blog to actually plug anything that I do (other than urging folks to read my crazy gig stories, I suppose), but I’d like to take this opportunity to announce that I’ll be teaching bass this summer at Northwestern University’s National High School Music Institute. The High School Institute (NHSMI for short) is an intensive five-week program designed to train young musicians for a career in music. As a bass teacher who was for the past ten years specialized in training bassists to be competitive in music school auditions, I am definitely looking forward to this new position.

National High School Music Institute Double Bass.png

I’m honored to be taking over the reins at NHSMI for 2010, especially since I attended this program in 1992 and 1993, studying with Jeff Bradetich (former Contrabass Conversations guest), who at that point was professor of double bass at Northwestern. After Jeff, NHSMI bass faculty members have included Michael Hovnanian (former Contrabass Conversations guest) and Hans Sturm (former Contrabass Conversations guest), and current Northwestern University double bass professor Peter Lloyd also participates in the institute through master classes.

Summer of 2010 is still pretty far off, and I’ll give some more specifics on what I hope to accomplish with double bass students at NHSMI this summer, but we will most certainly be covering fundamentals of the major double bass techniques (Simandl, Rabbath, Petracchi, and more), orchestral repertoire, solo literature, and audition preparation sessions designed to best prepare bass students for the rigors of the profession.

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