R.I.P. – International Music Score Library Project

While attempting to do some hunting around for public domain scores earlier this week, I was greeted by the following message from the IMSLP (International Music Score Library Project): On Saturday October 13, 2007, I received a second Cease and Desist letter from...

Corin Long Memorial Concert

Corin Long’s sister Vanessa has booked Longslade Community College in Birstall, Leicester for a memorial concert for the late Royal Philharmonic principal bassist, who tragically died in an accident earlier this year.  Vanessa writes: The concert will be...

Dusty gems from the blog archive

One of the biggest challenges for a blogger is making useful older content easy to access without becoming an annoying self-promotion machine.  I am always struggling with this, and I’ll probably do highlight posts like this every once in a while. ...