François Rabbath Vivaldi performance – video

Here’s an excellent video of the great double bass performer (and Contrabass Conversations guest) François Rabbath performing the slow movement of Vivaldi’s Concerto in F, Op. 3 No. 9. This was recorded at Ball State University in 2007. What a great...

More new blog features being added

In the never ending quest to improve the usability of this blog, I have been experimenting with some new methods of highlighting posts and useful content.  Expect to see some new ways of interacting with the site very soon.  For starters, I have changed...

Volkan Orhon performs Harbison Bass Concerto – video

Memphis Symphony principal bassist Scott Best (who will be a guest on Contrabass Conversations in the coming weeks) recently pointed me to this great video from University of Iowa bass professor Volkan Orhon performing the Concerto for Bass Viol and Orchestra by John...

Chicago Symphony bass boxes – a post from Michael Hovnanian

I love these sort of posts from Michael Hovnanian.  Funny, quirky, and irreverent, Michael really does an excellent job of blogging about life as a bassist in a major symphony orchestra.  You can here Michael’s three-part Contrabass Conversations interview on...

Rob Kassinger to perform Bottesini Concerto in Chicago

Rob Kassinger (Chicago Symphony Orchestra bassist DePaul University faculty member) will be performing the Bottesini Concerto in b minor with the DePaul Chamber Orchestra this November.  If you are able to make it, definitely check out this performance–it...