Contrabass Conversations co-host John Grillo pointed out a recent Chicago Tribune article by Howard Reich, one of my longtime favorite critics (I fondly remember him doing a music business chat for one of my classes at Northwestern about 15 years ago). Howard writes:... reader, International Society of Bassists member, and Newton, Iowa string teacher Cara Stone recently contacted me about cuts in her school district, which (as is all-too-frequently the case) disproportionately target the arts. Cara is one of only...
This is the third installment in a multi-part series on private music teaching. Check out part 1 and part 2 as well, and stay tuned for more installments in the near future. Creating a Logical Curriculum Though each student is unique and requires solo, étude, and...
I can’t help but notice that all of my fellow students coming in late to class at DePaul University or Oakton Community College are invariably carrying piping-hot cups of Starbucks coffee with them. How long did it take to get that coffee? Is that a good idea...
This is part two of a blog series. Read part 1 here. __________ My current teaching studio is 100% free of any institutional affiliation, though it certainly wasn’t always that way. For teachers on faculty at a major music school, being on faculty is a...